✓ Member of the Program committee for the 15th edition of the conference ’WORDS’ which will take place
in Nancy- France from 30 Juin till 4th of July 2025.
✓ Member of the Organisation Committee of the Webinar “l’indexation des périodiques francophones” held on the 5th of December 2024.
✓ Member of the Program committee and organisation de la 19me edition ’des journées montoises
d’informatiques théoriques’, université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France du 2 au 6 septembre 2024.
✓ Member of the jury for the 11th edition of ’Undergraduate Research and Innovation Competition’,
Abu Dhabi University Category : Computer Science and Information Technology, on 23rd of May
2024 at Abu Dhabi-UAE.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 17th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 4th of May 2023.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 16th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 4th of May 2022.
✓ Member since 2020 of the Organisation committee for the research school of GDR IG-RV (Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation): these schools aim to meet several times a year, focusing on one theme at a time, so that each participant with a new theoretical and practical background in the context of the GDRIG-RV.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 15th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 4th of May 2021.
✓ Member of Jury for the “Tournoi français des jeunes mathématiciens et mathématiciennes” session 2020.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 14th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 6th of May 2020.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 13th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 8th of May 2019.
✓ Member of committee d’accueil for DGCI 2019, ESIEE, Paris, France, the 25th of march 2019.
✓ Member of organization committee of the 5th edition of “Journée des doctorants” de l’école doctorale EDM-STII, Grenoble-France, the 19th May 2016.
✓ Member of committee of organization for “Journée des doctorants au SIF (société d’informatique
en France)”, SIF event Paris-France, the 29th of April 2016.
✓ Member of committee of organization of the “Colloque international à la mémoire de Pierre Liardet:Number theory Numeration system and ergodic theory”-Technolac, Chambéry, France, the 28th of September 2015.