✓ Member of the Program committee for the 15th edition of the conference ’WORDS’ which will take place
in Nancy- France from 30 Juin till 4th of July 2025.
✓ Member of the Organisation Committee of the Webinar “l’indexation des périodiques francophones” held on the 5th of December 2024.
Member of the Program committee and organisation de la 19me edition ’des journées montoises
d’informatiques théoriques’, université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France du 2 au 6 septembre 2024.

✓ Member of the jury for the 11th edition of ’Undergraduate Research and Innovation Competition’,
Abu Dhabi University Category : Computer Science and Information Technology, on 23rd of May
2024 at Abu Dhabi-UAE.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 17th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 4th of May 2023.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 16th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 4th of May 2022.
✓ Member since 2020 of the Organisation committee for the research school of GDR IG-RV (Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation): these schools aim to meet several times a year, focusing on one theme at a time, so that each participant with a new theoretical and practical background in the context of the GDRIG-RV.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 15th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 4th of May 2021.
✓ Member of Jury for the “Tournoi français des jeunes mathématiciens et mathématiciennes” session 2020.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 14th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 6th of May 2020.
✓ Member of the Organization committee of the 13th edition of ’Meeting on Tomography and Applications’, Mathematics Department of Politecnico di Milano, on 8th of May 2019.
✓ Member of committee d’accueil for DGCI 2019, ESIEE, Paris, France, the 25th of march 2019.
✓ Member of organization committee of the 5th edition of “Journée des doctorants” de l’école doctorale EDM-STII, Grenoble-France, the 19th May 2016.
✓ Member of committee of organization for “Journée des doctorants au SIF (société d’informatique
en France)”, SIF event Paris-France, the 29th of April 2016.
✓ Member of committee of organization of the “Colloque international à la mémoire de Pierre Liardet:Number theory Numeration system and ergodic theory”-Technolac, Chambéry, France, the 28th of September 2015.