International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025-Espagna.

🌍 Celebrating Women and Girls in Science at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi 🎓

I had the pleasure of participating in a round table at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, representing the Committee of Women in Mathematics @CWM in an event organized by @ACIEAU Asociación de Científicos e Investigadores Españoles en Emiratos Árabes Unidos as part of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

I took this opportunity to highlight our commitment to encourage students to do sciences and motivate all girls to thrive in all the fields in particular sciences and technology.
Because having only men in any field means that we are losing 50% of the human capacity for all innovation and progress.

A huge thank you to Dr. Gina Torres Zambrano PhD. for her insightful moderation and to Dr. Lourdes Vega, Dr. Samuel A. Prieto, Dr. Inocenta Ewart and Dr. Carlos.G. Parilla for their brilliant interventions and valuable perspectives. Truly an inspiring event and a privilege to be part of these discussions.

Proud to be part of this journey! 🚀 #WomenInScience #STEM #DiversityInResearch #CWM #ACIEAU #SorbonneA


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